EVENIMENTE IULIE 2019 | Ed Sheeran, Florence + The Machine, The Cure, în premieră în România. Slayer, ultimul show. Bon Jovi , Limp Bizkit, Dream Theater, Beth Hart, Oscar Benton, John Newman, Uriah Heep , The Rasmus , U.D.O. , MASSIVE WAGONS , DORO, Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra, Jessie J, Sean Paul, G-Eazy, Steve Aoki, DJ Snake, Afrojack si multi altii

Whitesnake, Ed Sheeran, Billy Corgan, Slayer, Bon Jovi şi The Cure se numără între trupele care vor concerta luna aceasta la Bucureşti, în timp ce Jan Garbarek, Florence + The Machine şi Limp Bizkit şi Dream Theater vor cânta la Gărâna, Electric Castle, respectiv Artmania,  John Newman, Uriah Heep , The Rasmus , U.D.O. , MASSIVE WAGONS , DORO, Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra la Custom Resita Festival 2019; Jessie J, Sean Paul, G-Eazy, Steve Aoki, DJ Snake, Afrojack si multi altii la NEVERSEA 2019.

În prima zi a lunii, în Capitală, va începe Bucharest Jazz Festival (1 – 7 iulie, Piaţa „George Enescu” şi Arcub), iar trupa britanică Whitesnake îşi va prezenta cel mai recent album într-un concert la Arenele Romane.

Concert Whitesnake la Bucuresti pe 1 iulie 2019

Toboşarul Antonio Sánchez şi saxofonistul Bill Evans fac parte din lineup-ul festivalului de jazz, care va cuprinde numeroase evenimente conexe. Sánchez va susţine un recital pe 6 iulie, alături de grupul Migration, iar Bill Evans and The Spykillers! vor urca pe scena din Piaţa „George Enescu” pe 7 iulie. Accesul la concerte este liber.

Concertul pe care Whitesnake îl va susţine pe 1 iulie la Arenele Romane din Bucureşti va începe la ora 21.00 şi face parte din turneul de promovare a celui de-al 13-lea album de studio al trupei, „Flesh & Blood”.  În deschidere va concerta trupa italiană Siska. Bilete, disponibile în reţeaua iabilet.ro, costă între 170 şi 370 de lei, la care va fi adăugată o taxă de 10 lei.

Concert Ed Sheeran | Romania, in 3 iulie 2019, la Arena Nationala , Bucuresti

Englezul Ed Sheeran, cunoscut pentru piese ca „Shape of You” şi „Perfect”, va concerta prima dată în România pe 3 iulie. Evenimentul va avea loc la Arena Naţională, începând cu ora 20.00. Sheeran a lansat până în prezent trei albume de studio, „Divide”, apărut în martie 2017, fiind cel mai recent. El a anunţat recent că în iulie va lansa un proiect ce cuprinde colaborări cu artişti ca Chance the Rapper şi PnB Rock. Pentru concertul de la Bucureşti mai sunt disponibile bilete la categoria 299 de lei şi pot fi cumpărate prin eventim.ro.

Custom Resita 2019 | John Newman se alătură pleiadei de artiști internaționali deja confirmați: The Rasmus, Uriah Heep, Massive Wagons, UDO, Doro, Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra,byron, Celelalte Cuvinte, Alex Calancea & Lupii, ALTERNOSFERA, Altar, Melting Dice, Rockabella
The Road Band feat. Dean Bowman, Dimitri`s Bats, BABY ELVIS, Camera 101, Gândul Mâței, Multiverse, Adam`s Nest.

NEVERSEA 2019: Jessie J, Sean Paul, G-Eazy, Steve Aoki, DJ Snake, Afrojack si multi altii. ATB, Danny Avila, Gianluca Vacchi, Kadebostany, Lucas & Steve, Mamut Orhan, Matoma, Ofenbach (live), Will Sparks si o groaza de artisti romani printre care ii mentionez pe Inna, Grasu XXL (live), The Motans, Delia, Manuel Riva pe main-stage, toata crema rapului romanesc (Parazitii, Guess Who, Spike, Macanache, CTC, gasca Culese de Cartier, Satra BENZ, Nane, El Nino), Kristian Nairn (aka Hodor), fratele DJ Shiver(recomand show-ul lui 10/10), Valentino Khan + inca o groaza de alti DJ pe care nu-i stiu eu asa bine din zona de techno, deephouse si alte genuri.

Pe 9 iulie, la Arenele Romane va concerta, tot în premieră în România, liderul şi solistul trupei The Smashing Pumpinks, Billy Corgan. Accesul publicului va fi permis începând cu ora 19.30, iar trupa RoadkillSoda va urca pe scenă la ora 20.30.

Corgan îşi va începe concertul la ora 21.30. Biletele pot fi cumpărate din reţeaua iabilet.ro, la preţuri cuprinse între 89 şi 139 de lei, plus o taxă de 5 lei, iar la intrarea în Arenele Romane, ele vor costa între 100 şi 150 de lei.

În aceeaşi seară, la clubul Quantic, va concerta trupa Black Stone Cherry. Înaintea trupei americane hard rock va urca pe scenă grupul românesc Riot Monk. Biletele, disponibile pe ambilet.ro şi la intrarea în club, costă 59 de lei, iar în ziua concertului, 70 de lei.


Slayer va concerta pentru ultima dată la Bucureşti pe 10 iulie, la Arenele Romane. Trupele Carthagods, din Tunisia, şi Methedras, din Italia, vor cânta în deschidere, iar trupa americană de thrash va urca pe scenă la ora 21.00.

Biletele pot fi cumpărate din reţeaua iabilet.ro şi au preţuri ce variază între 210 şi 330 de lei, la care este adăugată o taxă de 10 lei.

SLAYER – FINAL Show @ Metalhead Meeting 2019

Grupul englez Enter Shikari, care combină stilurile post-hardcore, electronic, rock alternativ şi metalcore, va concerta la clubul Quantic pe 11 iulie, ca parte a turneului european. Acesta va fi primul concert al trupei la Bucureşti în patru ani. Preţul unui bilet este de 60 de lei.

Trupa rock Alternosfera va marca a 20-a aniversare printr-un concert programat pentru 13 iulie la Arenele Romane din Bucureşti. Evenimentul face parte din turneul „Arhitectul din Babel”, prin care grupul îşi promovează cel de-al şaselea album, lansat în februarie. Biletele pot fi cumpărate din reţeaua iabilet.ro, la preţurile de 95 şi 135 de lei, iar la acces, cu 110 şi 150 de lei.

Trupa americană Bon Jovi va concerta pe 21 iulie în Piaţa Constituţiei, în cadrul turneului „This House Is Not For Sale”. Biletele sunt disponibile în reţeaua Eventim şi au preţuri cuprinse între 161 şi 600 de lei. Pachetele VIP puse în vânzare costă între 1.114 şi 2.445 de lei. Acesta va fi al doilea concert pe care grupul rock îl va susţine la Bucureşti. Bon Jovi a mai cântat în Piaţa Constituţiei în luna iulie a anului 2011.

Concert Bon Jovi, Bucuresti, 21 iulie 2019


Concert The Cure , pe 22 iulie 2019, în Piaţa Constituţiei, Bucuresti
Concert The Cure , pe 22 iulie 2019, în Piaţa Constituţiei, Bucuresti

The Cure, care sărbătoreşte patru decenii de activitate, şi God Is An Astronaut vor concerta, pe 22 iulie, în Piaţa Constituţiei. Din lineup-ul evenimentului Rock the City fac parte trupa românească Firma şi grupul britanic indie-rock Editors. Biletele sunt disponibile în reţeaua Eventim, la preţuri cuprinse între 170 şi 420 de lei.

Cântăreţul american Michael Bolton va susţine anul acesta concerte la Cluj-Napoca şi Bucureşti, pe 20, respectiv 22 iulie. Artistul în vârstă de 66 de ani, premiat de două ori cu Grammy, va urca, pe 20 iulie, pe scena Sălii Polivalente din Cluj-Napoca şi pe 22 iulie, pe cea a Sălii Palatului din Bucureşti. Ambele concerte vor începe de la ora 20.00. Biletele pot fi cumpărate din reţeaua iabilet.ro, la preţuri cuprinse între 74 şi 288 de lei, pentru Cluj-Napoca, şi 64 şi 588 de lei, pentru Bucureşti.


Gărâna Jazz Festival, ajuns la a 23-a ediţie, va avea loc între 11 şi 14 iulie. Concertele se vor desfăşura pe trei scene: în Poiana Lupului, în biserica catolică din satul Văliug şi în Hanul La Răscruce, locul în care a avut loc prima ediţie a festivalului.

Saxofonistul norvegian Jan Garbarek va deschide festivalul, alături de percuţionistul Trilok Gurtu. Din lineup mai fac parte Paolo Fresu & Lars Danielsson, Basistul Jeff Berlin, toboşarul Dennis Chambers, pianistul şi chitaristul David Sancious şi chitaristul Oz Noy (Moshulu), dar şi Luiza Zan, Sorin Zlat Quartet şi Horea Crişovan & Jazzybit. Biletele şi abonamentele pentru Gărâna Jazz Festival 2019 pot fi cumpărate din reţeaua bilete.ro.

Ministry, The Casualties, Luna Amară şi Altar se numără între trupele de pe afişul celei de-a zecea ediţii a festivalului Rock la Mureş, care va avea loc în zilele de 12 şi 13 iulie, la Periam Port (judeţul Timiş). Abonamentele, disponibile pe rocklamures.ro, costă 110 lei.

Florence Welch
Florence Welch

Grupurile Florence + The Machine, Limp Bizkit, Thirty Seconds to Mars şi Bring Me the Horizon vor fi capetele de afiş ale festivalului Electric Castle, care va avea loc în perioada 17 – 21 iulie, pe domeniul Castelului Banffy din judeţul Cluj.

Biletele şi abonamentele sunt disponibile la mai multe categorii de preţ pe electriccastle.com.

Beth Hart, Oscar Benton, Ana Popovic şi AG Weinberger vor cânta, între alţii, la Open Air Blues Festival Brezoi (Vâlcea), în perioada 18 – 21 iulie. Interpreta şi compozitoarea americană Beth Hart va concerta acum pentru a treia oară ȋn Romȃnia.

Concertul de la Brezoi este inclus ȋn turneul „Fire on the Floor”. Biletele pentru o zi la cea de-a treia ediţie a festivalului costă 75 de lei, iar abonamentele, 200 de lei. Ele sunt disponibile în reţeaua iabilet.ro.

Cea de-a 14-a ediţie a festivalului ARTmania va avea loc în zilele de 26 şi 27 iulie, în Piaţa Mare din Sibiu. Din lineup fac parte trupele Dream Theater, Opeth, Madrugada, Wardruna şi Myrkur. Biletele pentru o zi costă 260 de lei, iar abonamentele, 320 de lei, şi pot fi cumpărate de pe artmaniafestival.ro.

În prima zi a lunii august vor debuta Rockstadt Extreme Fest (Râşnov) şi Untold (Cluj-Napoca).

Cea de-a şaptea ediţie a Rockstadt Extreme Fest îi are cap de afiş pe Dimmu Borgir, Accept, Six Feet Under şi Paradise Lost, iar la Untold, ajuns la a cincea ediţie, au fost confirmaţi, între alţii, Robbie Williams, Armin Van Buuren, Martin Garrix, David Guetta, Dimitri Vegas şi Bastille. Ambele evenimente vor avea loc în perioada 1 – 4 august. Abonamentele pentru REF sunt disponibile pe iabilet.ro şi costă 390 de lei, iar cele pentru Untold, pe site-ul evenimentului, la preţuri de până la 1.292 de lei.

Concert Florence + The Machine @ Italy 2019

Concert Florence + The Machine @ Italy 2019




TICKETS:  https://www.livenation.it/show/1174808/florence-the-machine/torino/2019-03-18/it


Over the past ten years, the singer went from rebellion to the control

Florence Welch first appeared on the music scene in South London in 2008, in a whirl of hedonism, red hair and glitter like indie band leader Florence + The Machine.

Now – a decade after – the band has three albums multi-platinum and countless awards including Grammys, BRIT and MTV, While the 32-year-old frontwoman boasts several ad campaigns for Gucci and a book of poems by success.

With one of the most distinctive voices of his generation, the sound of Florence combines a music that makes you dance with lyrics described by the Director of Ladybird Greta Gerwig as ‘ able to evoke the deepest, the darkest pit of pain ‘. Case in point: Florence + The machines are headliners at Glastonbury in 2015, where she hovered on the Pyramid Stage in a magnetic performance that did move all present.

The single Hunger, from the new album High As Hope, is a classic example of this tension. This song is deceptively perky and optimistic, revealing his long struggle with drugs and eating disorders.

Photograph by Quentin Jones. Styling by Donna Wallace. Florence Welch wears Gucci.

While he recorded the last album (his fourth), Florence has discovered a new sense of clarity and openness, revealing his demons as described so blunt his efforts through songs. The summer release of the album also coincides with his first book, Useless Magic: Lyrics and Poetry (you will find his notes and drawings on these pages). It is in the book that Florence promises readers: “You can have anything you want”.

Among women who inspire the work of Florence there is her friend and fellow poet Yrsa Daley-Ward, whose sincere approach to poetry in Bone and The Terrible made her a global phenomenon and a wonder of social media.

In his book, Florence thanks Yrsa for your inspiration, his support and his high targets ‘. ELLE listens while the two friends discuss how to combat their addictions, the healing power of writing and joy that can give a good silk pajamas.

FLORENCE WELCH: We met through my book club, Between Two Books, No? The extraordinary poet Nayyirah Waheed wrote an amazing piece on your work. And I remember reading Bone and I said ‘ Oh, shit. It was so great.’ The poem talks about people, but it is also accessible. I think there’s a real resurgence of poetry, and it’s so exciting to see how contemporary poets are using social media as a new platform.

YRSA DALEY-WARD: It’s like some kind of rebirth. But I think people have always wanted to read or hear or see something that would make them feel less alone. How did you start writing poetry?

FW: I had changed my lifestyle – that is, I had to stop drinking. Esageravo during the party and I was getting to the point where I always felt apart.

The scary thing is that I thought what made me big creative was being a hedonist. But at some point it was quite difficult to compose new songs because I suffered a lot and everything I could write was: ‘ How do I get out of this trap?Is the central theme of my notes was: ‘ I’m stuck, They fuckin’, I don’t know how to stop: help, help, help!’

I quit drinking shortly before How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful. Show people this side of yourself, that is so scary for you, and having people accept it with love, sing it along with the other – was really a great catharsis. So I found that my mind was more open. I started to write everything and let it run.


YDW: Look a different sense of vulnerability when you write poems?

FW: What I discovered is that – as with the songs – the poem was a safe haven in which to tell the truthYou said it yourself‘ If you are afraid to write itIt’s a good sign.’ I definitely felt that with some of the songs of this album I was really scared.


YDW: Why all this fear?

FW: I was horrified by what I was doingI was so scared before HungerI don’t knowhave you felt like this before The Terrible It was published?

YDW: AbsolutelyThere were things that I had never told anyone. I would say to myself: ‘ OhfantasticActually I did it on purpose to ruin my life ‘.

FW: Yes, exactlyThere are things in Hunger of which I have not yet talked to some of my oldest friendsI don’t talk about even with my motherMy little sister said to me ‘ what are you doingYou can’t talk about this stuff and put it in a fucking pop song!’ [Ride]


YDW: Is as a breakthrough, No?

FW: I’m not a believer but for me the singing has always been a religious thingWhen I sing I’m always alone.

YDW: But it’s great because it’s as if incarnassi a goddessIt’s so naturalinstinctive.
FW: There is a question I get oftenHow does it feel to be a woman headliningIt is one thing that I find curious because when I perform I don’t really know if they are a woman or a manI feel in between the twoI am convinced that within each of us there is one male and one femaleI don’t know what energy there is when I’m on stageIt seems almost no genre.
YDW: Is the power, We all have inside …
FW: When I’m in the studio, I know what I’m doing and what I want to do. But when I was younger, especially if there was a bigger man, I always ended up making what I thought they wanted me to do – and then I was fine no. Then when I went to work with Isa, She made me just sit and do what I wanted at the piano and hit the walls with chopsticks and it was from there, from that safe space of an Assistant female, He was born on sound of Florence + The Machine. I’m sure the type of music I want to do now and the way I want to create it. But it took a while.


YDW: We are conditioned to not feel safe to walk into a room and say ‘ I know what I’m doing ‘.
FW: That’s right! I do it for ten years now. And this time I finally said ‘ Yes, I am co-producing this album.’ I also realized that I had actually always done but I didn’t know I was allowed to choose the title [ride]. I’m not an angry person but often this fierce side comes out in the music, in texts or in songs and I am surprised. You know those emotions that you put in your work but you are not aware in everyday life?
YDW: At 100%. I grew up in a family believer and I had grandparents Jamaicans. I learned to repress anything and be the most educated person in the world. Now if something doesn’t sit well with me, I do not see. I learned how to experience a feeling and let her go. At that time you’re sick but don’t know really until I write and think is a timeI’m really furious!’


FW: Yes! Also I think „FuckI didn’t realize before writing it!„It’s a sort of revelation that you don’t know until you’re in the process of writingI started watching to my childhoodIt was very chaoticThere was the deathdivorce and the break-up of the familything that led me to an empty feeling.
I love the way you use your socialYou seem so passionate in talking with people and give adviceAlso I love Instagram as a means to publish poetry and artworkBut addictiveI always try to put stakes.
YDW: You have towhy you need a breakCan steal your timeI think you have to get in and out and observe with real attention

FW: I am very anxious every time I publish something – I feel this vulnerability in showing something of my own to the whole world. [Ride] Oh my God, Basically I have this app on my phonethat is the app of the Moonand tells me when there’s a full moon.

YDW: Me, too!

FW: Have you ever received strange messages from the Moon saying ‘ have you been drinking orange juice expired todayEH?’ [laugh so muchAnd I thoughtWho writes these messages on the Moon?’ Why I would do that jobI would like to be the person who sends messages in place of the MoonThe best thing about Instagram is that Patti Smith has an account nowI wrote a song about herPatriciaShe texted me on Instagram to thank me and I‘ OhIt’s amazing!’.

YDW: In other newsThis morning I was going to send you a picture


FW: Oh my GodDid you get the Pajamas [sleepwear collection of Florence to Liberty London]? I’m so glad you like themI’ve always been obsessed with Liberty printsthen they let me go into their archive of 18th-century fantasies of the sixties.

YDW: They are so beautifulI really feel elegant when I wear themAre the cutest thing I’ve ever had in the HouseI also like what you wear during your performancesYou’re always wrapped in beautiful fabrics and silks.

FW: I swear – When I started performing I was very messyBut now if I can move fine wearing something everything goes the right way.

Alessandro Michele of Gucci really understands the way I performIt’s strangebecause I’ve never met anyone that has an aesthetic so similar to mineMany of the ideas for my performances are by Otis ReddingMick Jagger and Nick Caveso masculine influencesBut then I always made up for it with the femininity of clothesTry to be scary and strongbut in a Nightgown.

YDW: And I love itThis power… Are you channeling every single part of your energy.

FW: I was watching this documentary on the Beatles, they did see a concert with Allen Ginsberg and the Beat poets at the Royal Albert Hall in the years ‘ 60 and I thought we should do it again! I would love to call poets like you, listen to the poems. I may need your help. We should collect a whole lot’ of poets if seek them together…

YDW: Yes! My God. It would be great.

FW: It’s decided then! We’ll do! Ah well, won’t let you go, but I miss you!

YDW: It was a pleasure. I wish you much love!


Original article by 

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