Rockstadt Extreme Fest va dispune si in acest an de doua zone de camping extinse, pregatite intocmai conform dorintelor publicului.
Prima zona de camping va ramane cea deja cunoscuta, pozitionata pe terenul de fotbal aflat in imediata apropiere a festivalului, denumit Camping 1 (stadion). A doua zona de camping este situata la aproximativ 3 km fata de zona de festival, intr-un spatiu ferit si izolat, denumit Camping 2 (harta este afisata mai jos).
Pentru zona de rulote, caravane, motociclete etc, exista varianta accesibila in Camping 2.
Pentru o deplasare cat mai usoara, vor exista microbuze ce vor face legatura gratuit dintre zona de camping 2 si festival.
Ca in fiecare an, campingul va fi dotat cu toate utilitatile necesare si anume: dusuri cu apa calda, toalete, lavoare, iluminat.
Accesul in zona de camping, se va putea face numai achizitionand un bilet.
Biletul de camping se achita separat de abonamentul pentru festival, de catre fiecare persoana, si se poate cumpara de la CASA de BILETE situata la intrarea in perimetrul de festival, in orice zi din perioada desfasurarii evenimentului.
Accesul in zona de camping se va face incepand cu ora 12:00 in prima zi de festival, Joi 2 August, urmand sa fie eliberat in ultima zi de festival pana in ora 12:00 (ziua urmatoare a ultimei zile de concerte), Luni 6 August.
Casa de bilete se deschide la ora 10:00, iar incepand cu aceasta ora va puteti achizitiona passurile pentru camping, pretul fiind 50 Lei de persoana, pass valabil pentru toate cele 4 zile de campare pe intreaga perioada de festival.
Incepand cu 2 August se poate achizitiona si biletul pentru festival, la pretul unic de 300 Lei.
La fel ca si in precedentele editii, NU vor exista bilete pe zile, ci doar abonamente ce asigura accesul in toate cele patru zile ale festivalului.
Camparea se va face in limita perimetrului marcat si va rugam sa lasati spatiu suficient atat pentru circulatie cat si pentru colegii vostri de teren!
Buna desfasurare a activitatii in zona de camping, va depinde de urmatorii factori:
– Pentru a asigura accesul serviciilor de urgenta cat si un spatiu cat mai incapator pentru toti cei ce doresc sa foloseasca spatiul de camping, va rugam sa asezati cat mai uniform corturile.
– Sunt suficiente dusuri pentru intregul camping, cu rugamintea sa NU aruncati gunoaie sau alte obiecte personale in dusuri, fapt ce ar ingreuna curatarea lor zilnica cat si functionarea lor. Exista cosuri de gunoi amplasate in camping.
– Va rugam aveti in vedere faptul ca exista sanse ca la un moment dat sa nu mai existe locuri disponibile in Camping 1, motiv pentru care apelam la public pentru o amplasare cat mai uniforma a cortului, oferind astfel spatiu si „vecinilor” de camping.
– Dusurile si apa calda: atat timp cat nu se abuzeaza de apa calda si nu se pierde foarte mult timp acolo, este de inteles ca acel boiler(centrala) nu poate sa functioneze la o capacitate de centrala termica de mare capacitate. Intretinerea acestora sau interventia oamenilor de serviciu se face ori de cate ori este nevoie si in timpul de care dispune fiecare.
– Nu se pot pastra locuri in camping si nu se fac rezervari.
Nu exista posibilitatea de inchiriere cort.
Va rugam sa consultati pagina cu reguli festival si camping, de pe site oficial aici:
Pentru alte detalii sau informatii va stam la dizpozitie la adresa de mail:
Va multumim si va dorim distractie extrema la festival.
Camping Information ROCKSTADT EXTREME FEST 2018
Rockstadt Extreme Fest will have two extensive camping sites this year, prepared according to the wishes of the public.
The first camping area will be the one already known, located on the football field in the immediate vicinity of the festival, called Camping 1 (stadium). The second camping area is located about 3 km from the festival area, in a sheltered and isolated area called Camping 2 (the map is shown below).
Parking for the caravans, motorcycles, etc., there is accessible in Camping 2.
There will be minibuses that will make connection between camp 2 and festival, no charge. Alternatively, there is taxi, a local company.
As every year, the campsite will have all the necessary utilities: hot water showers, toilets, wash basins, lighting.
Access to the camping area will only be possible by purchasing a ticket.
The Camping Ticket is paid separately from the pass ticket for the festival by each person and can be bought from the TICKET POINT located at the entrance to the festival perimeter, any day of the event.
Access to the camping area will be open from 12:00 on the first day of the festival on Thursday 2 August, and it must be released on the last day of the festival until 12:00 (the next day of the last day of concerts), Monday 6 August.
The Ticket Point office opens at 10:00 and from this hour you can buy the camping pass, the price being 50 Lei (11 Euro), available for all 4 days of camping.
Also you can buy pass for the festival 300 Lei (65 Euro), available for all 4 days.
The camping will be done within the boundary of the marked perimeter and please allow enough space both for traffic and for your colleagues!
The good work in the camping area will depend on the following factors:
– To ensure access to emergency services as well as a space for all those who want to use the camping space, please place the tents evenly.
– We will have enough showers for the entire camping, please NOT throw garbage or other personal items in the showers, which would hinder their daily cleaning and other operation. There are trash cans in the camping.
– Please note that there is a chance that there will be no more places available at Camping 1, at some moment, which is why we appeal to the public for a more uniform placement of the tent, thus offering space to the camping „neighbors”.
– Shower and hot water: As long as the hot water is not abused in the showers and people don`t spend much time there, it is understandable that the boiler (central) can not operate at a capacity of high-capacity central heating. Their maintenance or the intervention of the service people is done whenever it is needed and during each of them.
– Camping can not be reserved and no reservations are made.
No tents for rent.
Please check the festival and camping rules page at the official site here:
For further details or information, please contact us at
Thank you and have a good time at the festival.